Monday, June 26, 2006

Who says that Crime isn't Fabulous?

My, oh my!

6-foot transvestite kleptomaniacs? It sounds like something that Frank Miller would right. Initially I said it sounded like something that Grant Morrison would write, but as a friend pointed out, transvestite kleptos is more of a Miller thing.

If it were Morrison, then the street would be a transvestite, not the people!

Speaking of the Doom Patrol (which no one who is not a comics fan realized I was doing), I am really hoping that this new Doom Patrol gets an ongoing, or at least a mini. Geoff Johns did his magic again, taking good parts of conflicting versions and turning them into a damned good take. He's kind of like the gourmet chef of comic writers!

The new Doom Patrol brings back the original cast, and does it in a way that makes a comics fan, anyway. The Chief retains his borderline evil persona from Morrison's run, and we don't have a problem with good, but traumatized people following him. It's more like a cult then anything else.

Excellent revamps of Mento (even acknowledging that horrible run of his in the New Titans), Elasti-Girl, and Negative Man (who seemed to take his dialogue cues from the cartoon, and his fashion cues from Rebis). Bumblebee and the newly-named Vox have actually become interesting!

So, is the Red Tornado actually infused into Vox? Time will tell, I guess.

I love how the Chief is manipulating their emotions to bend them to his will. I'll say it again - he's a cult leader, and these "freaks" aren't much different from the people who followed Koresh or Jim Jones...except they didn't have talking, gay, French Gorilla's in love with their disembodied masters in Waco or Jonestown....or did they???

Give us an ongoing, DC! Clone Johns and make him write it, too!


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