Birds of Prey ROCKS and other nuggets of thought...
Every once in a while I read a comic and I wish that I could call the writer and say "Thank You." Today's Birds of Prey was one of those comics. I've been clamoring for a good Black Canary series for years...and one has popped up right under my nose! Well done this issue, starting with a long overdue visit to an old friend...and ending with a teaser that has my little toes wiggling.
Oh man...anyone who gets that is an even bigger geek than me!
Other things I read: The Black Adam Show (aka 52) had it's best issue to date. I really do like Isis...but I like Adrianna better. The good Captain may be going cuckoo...but I'm not sure if it's for Cocoa Puffs! More Q&A goodness! The Charlie and Montoya partnership is great, and I hope that it continues beyond this series. "Q&A" is a title I've heard mentioned for such a thing, but of course, that will open it to "so, what does the 'A' stand for?" jokes.
Believe it or not...comics fans can be juvenile at times!
I was actually suckered into picking up Hawkgirl again with the teaser that Hawkman could be back! Well...what I got was Kendra fighting in her lacy Victoria's Secret bra (not that I'm opposed to a little (lot) of cheesecake...but come on! Wouldn't a nice sports bra make sense??? Of course, this is a medium where ninjas can wear pumps, so I guess that's OK. What isn't OK is that a character I liked is dead, and Hawkgirl's nemesis seems to be a gaping vagina, who conjured it's magic by playing a "bone flute." OooooooKay? Who knew that Simonson and Chaykin were the reincarnation of Georgia O'Keefe!!!
Busy day for me workwise, not to mention trying to stay dry today! Houston needs to change it's moniker from "Space City" to "'We so totally can't handle rain, dude!' City" Seriously - we are the worst drivers in rain that I have ever encountered. At least LA has an excuse to be bad drivers in the rain - they get maybe a milimeter of rain each year...whereas Houston will flood if someone spills a Coke!
I did a few more sketches last night, but I've only lightly put paint to canvas so far. I think that I'm a wee bit more nervous than I thought, now that the adrenaline has run off. Oh well - chop, chop!
Major breaking news from Houston Sports - The Astros failed to provide any run support for Roger Clemens. Such a thing is unheard of! In other news - there has been an outbreak of sarcasm infecting the area!
Andrea Yates is Not Guilty, by Reason of Insanity. I agree with this decision, and I'm getting tired of people crying that she's going to go free someday. Never will happen, people! Even if declared sane someday she'll just be transferred to jail...and in the odd even that she isn't then there are still two murders left to charge her with - and there is not statute of limitations on murder.
That's all for now. More later, perhaps!
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