Thursday, June 29, 2006

An "I'm watching Tombstone and these are my meandering thoughts" post

The good news is that the Astros didn't lose today. Gotta love off days!

The greatest movie in the history of American Cinema has to be Tombstone. How much more can a movie freaking rock than Tombstone does? The characters, the quotes, the not-quite-historically-accurate-yet-still-entertaining story.

Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday may be his best role. So many quotable lines from this flick!

I've actually been to Tombstone, AZ. I've gotten drunk in Big Nose Kate's Saloon; I've been to the Birdcage Theatre; I've walked the streets at night while a storm blew in...awesome! It's so funny because Modern Tombstone is such a typical small town that has this amazing window into the past. If you're heading across I-10 and you have the time, it is definately worth the detour to head down there and witness American History that has been preserved.

The Old West really was so uniquely American, and there's not a lot that we can claim in that regard. The reality is far more fascinating than the Hollywood equivalent, too.

Speaking of travelling, I used to do a lot, and all of it in cars. One thing I miss is reading the local papers of the towns I was in. I was never one for USA Today, I would rather immerse myself in whatever town I was in, for as little or as long as I was there. You don't just read the news that way, you meet the people and get a glimpse into their world.

Now I feel like going on a Road Trip...oh wait, just remembered the gas prices - I'll stay put! ;)


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