Monday, July 03, 2006

An incoherent rambling on comedies...

God, I am so tired!

Not just "I want to go to bed, tired" I am in that "my whole body wants to shut down, curl up in the fetal position and not move for ten days!"

I know, I know...quit yer whinin'!!!

I watched part of Office Space earlier today. I don't think that this movie will ever stop getting funnier and funnier each time I watch it. It is one of those movies that you can just start watching at any moment in the movie, and if you're flipping channels and it's on then you have to watch it.

I don't like doing top ten lists with movies, because those change all the time for me, and I like different movies for different reasons. I can't even do it by genre for the same reasons. I love comedies, but sometimes I'm in the mood for smarter comedies like the Big Lebowski or Raising Arizona, but other times I want some good, mindless fun like Happy Gilmore or Airplane! Of course, Monty Python gets it's own category.

I really do dig British humor. When I was a kid I loved the Young Ones, which was being broadcast in the US on MTV, which was still a young network. The misadventures of Rick, Vyvyan, Neil and Michael guided me through my formative years in terms of appreciating humor. I don't know why, but poo jokes seem more dignified with the British Accent.

You know what would be a hard list for me to make? Top ten Bill Murray movies. How in the hell would I rank that? Groundhog Day, Scrooged, Ghostbusters, Stripes, Caddyshack...each one deserves the #1 slot! Ack! I think I'll have to watch them all again to make up my mind.

My favorite Jim Carrey movie is easy - Liar Liar. I loved Ace Ventura, but Liar Liar was so funny I thought I'd pass out from laughing. You know what, tho? I really dig his serious (well, to a point) movies. I liked the Truman Show, and I'm not convinced that that wasn't actually Andy Kaufmann in Man on the Moon. Great performance!

The one comedy that not everyone has seen, but everyone needs to see is the Kentucky Fried Movie. Watch it for "Catholic High School Girls in Trouble!" at the bare minimum!

I like laughing.


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