"Bloom" and Katrina OYL
Something I did really quickly last night. I like the colors.
Well, it is One Year Later in terms of Hurricane Katrina, and by reading some accounts on the internet and seeing them on TV you'd think that the entire nation forgot about this event up until now. Oh boy, and is all of the self-righteous fury flowing freely. For those of us who live in areas that were affected by this and Rita to this day, these johnny-reminded-lately morons full of indignant rage thowing around simplistic blame are amongst the most nauseating humans on the planet.
Yahoo has this article on their front page:
Old news to us, but I'm glad that someone else is talking about it. What so many of the morons don't realize is that Katrina did not just affect "New Orleans," so anytime I hear or read a comment that leads off like that I pretty much dismiss that person's opinion as being ignorant.
So many things need to change after what happened last year, and not much has happened. Here in Texas and in the Houston area we are moving ahead with concrete plans, but we're encountering resistance from Austin and other Texas cities such as Dallas. Of course, we have strong leaders like Mayor Bill White and Judge Robert Eckles here, while the others...well - the less said the better.
There won't even be a blip on the radar on the anniversary of Rita, I'm sure. And you can forget about Wilma (if you hadn't already!).
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