Holy Frijole! Where are the dark colors?
Where are the Dark Colors?!?!?!?!?!?
I made a challenge to myself a couple days ago to paint something that was not in the earth tones and dark colors I am comfortable with...and this was the result. Very basic, nothing special to look at, but hey - I am not a bright color person!
I did like the combo of those colors and I'm going to have to do something that blends them more than what you see here. I'm not the biggest fan of exact boundaries when it comes to painting, which is why you will usually see my stuff a mess of blending. The only real exception is silhouettes, and I am currently working on a few of those.
It's kind of funny - I am such a comic art fan, but I have absolutely no aptitude for comic art. Much like everyone who has ever read comics, I tried my hand at drawing some when I was a kid. I had such titles as the Surrealists, the Bunny Assassins and the the incredible adventures of Otto Tuck, Paranormal Plastic Surgeon.
Hmm...perhaps it was best for comics that I wasn't a good comic artist!
Speaking of actual "good" comics - we are only two days away from learning at least part of the new JLA lineup. I'm hoping for some, and hoping against others. I don't think that we'll see Nightwing make the League on this go-around, but I'm pretty sure that we will see a Titan or two in the lineup. I'm guessing either Roy Harper or Cyborg.
Obviously, I want Black Canary in there, but not Green Arrow. I want Hawkman, but not Hawkgirl. I want John Stewart as the GL, not Hal Jordan. I want Zatanna and I don't want a magician who is not Zatanna. We'll see what happens, I'm sure.
As for 52 - if you haven't read it by now then don't read past this....
I think it was a mistake to kill of Booster Gold. Talk about having one of the most relevant superheroes in comics right now! In today's NASCAR, Celebrity-Worship, Reality-TV world, a guy like Booster just makes sense. Nevermind that the Anti-JLI vendetta continues - it is dumb to kill of a character just because you may not like them, and that's what I'm reading with the interviews with Didio on the subject. Oh - and I really, really hope that Supernova is not an alternate universe version of Booster, because that would be incredibly lame at this point.
OK - Off to do more painting. I'm taking a break from this bright color stuff tho - just not me, I'm afraid!
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