Tuesday, August 15, 2006

"Falling" and a work in progress

This one is called "Falling." It should be apparant why! I love earth tones, and I love silhouettes, so it's only natural that I may combine the two. This actually shows up on a lot of my stuff (and not merely limited to earth tones). The silhouette can be a powerful way of capturing an action without making the picture appear too busy, in my opinion.
Now this one...this one I'm not sure about yet. I'm trying to play around with more colors, but even when I do that I seem to retreat back to my dark tones. This is very much a work in progress at this point. I know what I want to do with it...but I don't think I'm quite ready to pick it up again. I may try another variation of the same image at some point. I'll keep you, my loyal, non-existant readers, up to date as I go.

Actually - there is one person whom I know reads this blog with semi-regularity, and she is actually quite a fan of the above image. I may need to finish this one off just for her!

I am issuing myself a challenge for the weekend - do a painting with no crimson, no beige, no orange and very little black! I don't know if I can do it!

In lighter news...butane prices have dropped.

hehehe...I never get tired of that joke!


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